Fly less
Switch to public transport, bicycle or walk where possible
Drive less & slower
Switch to electric
Car share
Work from home, use video links for meetings
Shop local
set up a local Transport project
Eat less meat particularly sheep and cows
Eat local and in season
No pesticides
Grow your own
Minimise food waste
Boycott factory farming
Join the Community fridge or Growing spaces groups or start a new project
Improve your home insulation
Generate renewable electricity
Use 100% renewable electricity supplier
Replace inefficient boiler
Use LED bulbs
Turn thermostat down
Switch your heating to 100% renewable
Join or start a local Energy project
Find space for wildflowers
Plant trees and food-producing plants
Create wildlife gardens and ponds
Use eco-friendly detergents and toiletries
Keep toxins out of our water and soil
Join a wildlife or citizen science project
Explore and love our wild spaces
Join or start up a Wildside project
Buy less stuff
Become an ethical consumer
Avoid plastics
Buy local
Reuse and repair
Wear clothes more times & buy second hand clothes
Divest investments in fossil fuel companies
Community care
talk to and listen to neighbours
find out how you can help others
signpost services
Start up a Local Wellbeing project
Lobbying and protest
Lobby your MP
Lobby your Town, District and County Councillors
Check out local Extinction Rebellion group
Examine the sustainability of major planning applications